is a website teaching people how to create videos through blogging and videos. is currently, for the most part, focused on the post-production part of filmmaking i.e. cutting, color grading, visual effects, audio editing, just to name a few.
We are striving to provide you with all the information you need, in order to become a proffesional video editor.
–Jens Trimmer

Our Story
Jens Trimmer bought the domain name in 2020.
He had been editing videos for quite some time using Adobe’s Premiere Pro. It wasn’t until early 2020 that he discovered this free editing software by Black Magic Design called DaVinci Resolve.
However, when adapting to the editing software he noticed there really wasn’t that much information on how to use it.
This is what wanted to change, and set out on a journey to cover all the unanswered questions people might get.
Learn more about Jens Trimmer here.